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Monday, October 11, 2010

Chapter 5 - Designing a Web Site with Frames (Part1)

Introducing Frames

  • A frame is a section of the browser window capable of displaying the contents of an entire Web page. For example:
    -the frame on the left may display the contents of a Web page containing a list of hyperlinks
    -the frame on the right may display a Web page with product information

  • Advantages to Using Frames

  • Frames can give more flexibility in designing your Web presentation

  • You can place information in different Web pages, removing redundancy

  • Frames can make your site easier to manage

  • Frames allows you to update only a few files rather than the whole

  • Web designers advocate creating both framed and non-framed versions for a Web site and giving users the option of which one to use

  • Disadvantages to Using Frames

  • The browser has to load multiple HTML files before a user can view the contents of the site increasing the waiting time for potential customers

  • Some older browsers cannot display frames

  • Some users simply do not like using frames

  • Some web authors feel that frames are too constricting, limiting flexibility in designing the layout of a Web page

  • There is concern that frames can use up valuable screen space

  • The source code is removed from the user

  • An Example of Frames

    Activating a Hyperlink within Frames

    Planning Your Frames

  • Before you start creating your frames, it is a good idea to plan their appearance and how they are to be used. There are several issues to consider:
    -What information will be displayed in each frame?
    -How do you want the frames placed on the Web page?
    -What is the size of each frame?
    -Which frames will be static (always showing the same content)?
    -What Web pages will users first see when they access the site?
    -Should users be permitted to resize the frame to suit their needs?

  • An Example of a Frame Layout Sketch

    Creating a frameset

  • A frameset describes how the frames are organized; they are defined by rows or columns, but not both

  • You must choose to layout your frames in either rows or columns

  • To create a frame layout, you will use the rows and cols attributes of the <frameset> tag.
    -the rows attribute creates a row of frames
    -the cols attribute creates a column of frames

  • The <frameset> tag is used to store the definitions of the various frames in the file. These definitions will typically:
    -include the size and location of the frame
    -include the Web pages the frames display

  • The <frameset> code does not include an opening and closing <body> tag.
    -the reason for this is that this HTML file displays the contents of other Web pages; technically, it is not a Web page

  • Frames Defined in either Rows or Columns

    The Frame Syntax

  • The syntax for creating a row or column frame layout is:
    -<frameset rows=“row1,row2,row3, . . .”> </frameset>
    -<frameset cols=“column1,column2,column3, . . .”> </frameset>

  • To specify a source for a frame, use the <frame> tag with the syntax:
    <frame src=“url” />

  • The URL is the filename and location of the page that you want to load

  • You must insert the <frame> tag between the opening and closing <frameset> tags

  • Logo and Placement

    Inserting a Frame forthe Head.htm File

    Nesting Framesets

  • Remember that a frameset is defined by rows or columns, but not both

  • To create frames using both rows and columns, one frameset must be nested inside another

  • The interpretation of the rows and cols attributes changes slightly.
    -for example, a row height of 25% does not mean 25% of the display area, but rather 25% of the height of the frame into which that row has been inserted (or nested)

  • Creating a Nested Set of Frames in the Second Frame Row

    Nested Frames

    Inserting frame columns

    Result of Web Site with Nested Frames

    Formatting a Frames

  • You can control three attributes of a frame:
    -scroll bars
    -the size of the margin between the source document and the frame border
    -whether or not the user is allowed to change the size of the frame

  • Hiding and Displaying Scroll Bars

  • By default, scroll bars are displayed when the content of the source page cannot fit within the frame

  • You can override the default setting using the scrolling attribute

  • The scrolling syntax is: scrolling=“type”
    -scrolling can either be “yes” (to always display scroll bars) or “no” (to never display scroll bars)

  • If you don’t specify a setting for the scrolling attribute, the browser displays scroll bars when necessary

  • Removing the Scroll Barsfrom the Logo Frame

    Setting Frame Margins

  • The following should be consider for frame margins:
    -the browser determines the amount of space between the content of the page and the frame border
    -occasionally, the browser sets the margin between the border and the content too large
    -the margin should be big enough to keep the source’s text or images from running into the frame’s borders
    -the margin should not take up too much space, because you typically want to display as much of the source as possible

  • Specifying Margins Syntax

  • The syntax for specifying margins for a frame is:
    marginheight=“value” marginwidth=“value”>

    -marginheight is the amount of space, in pixels, above and below the content of the page in the frame
    -marginwidth is the amount of space to the left and right of the page

  • If you specify only one, the browser assumes that you want to use the same value for both

  • Setting margin values is a process of trial and error as you determine what combination of margin sizes looks best.

  • Specifying the Margin Sizes for the Frames

    Controlling Frame Resizing

  • By default, users can resize frame borders in the browser by simply dragging a frame border

  • Some Web designers prefer to freeze, or lock, frames, so that users cannot resize them.
    this ensures that the Web site displays as the designer intended

  • The syntax for controlling frame resizing is:

  • The noresize attribute is included within the <frame> tag to prevent users from modifying the size of the frame.

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